Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I swear, ever since the whole technology thing switched over to digital, it has been made me lazy, and lazy, and lazy to 1.) hook up a cord and upload onto my computer. 2.) upload pictures onto a website and 3.) print my photo's out. I used to scrapbook up a storm into the wee hours of the night when I used a film camera. Not to mention, get so excited to see how my pictures turned out. Remember those days?

But now that we can see in advance how our pictures look like, the appeal is just all too gone. It's just a nostalgic now.

It's all about sitting in some photo website waiting for my butt to hit " add to bag" and pay. Ugh. I get all cheap, too! Like, I'll tell myself, hmmm, I'll get it next time which turns into another time, and another time... and the sad part is that it's only like a few dolla's! yah feel me?

So, with that said, I hardly took any pictures in Hawaii. Bad! F! Especially since it was our honeymoon--- 1 year wedding anniversary trip. Way 2 go, Stace! I'm a winner, yeah? and I know that I will deeply regret not having documented pictures of our wonderful momentous trip.

What do I have to show for our pictures? Well, thanks to Facebook, I've become quite the poser with my food and my food alone. It's as if I went on a honeymoon with food and not with G.

So what did I do on my trip to Hawaii? Drive to North Shore and ate a Giovanni's Shrimp truck. Had Matsumoto's shaved ice for the very first time. Cracked up by the amount of Asians posing with their shaved ice like me. Heh. But proud of myself that I didn't pose as if I was "acting" like I was eating it. Reminds me of the scene from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go rent the movie and you'll know exactly and chuckle to yourself.

Eat at Chef Mavro's. Wanted to try a different restaurant other than Alan Wong's but deeply regretted not sticking with the original plan. Chef Mavro's sucks, yo! Don't eat there. Food is average for what you pay for. So. Not. Worth. It. Is it sad that the two items that I enjoyed there were the palette cleansers?

Took the infamous drive to Hana in Maui and had a fantastic banana bread made with taro. Drive sucked. Sorry to those that enjoyed it. I wasn't all about the windy and narrow road and being stuck in a car for 6 hours. I mean, yeah, the scenery was all pretty, but after awhile, you kinda get the jist of the drive. Let's see, greenery on both sides of the road, ocean on left side, waterfalls here and there (if there were any b/c the one's we saw were dried up or required you to walk into the greenery and see it). It was the same shiz for 6 hours!

But the banana bread was good.

Ate a Lahaina Grill because the hubby so badly wanted to dine there since it's like the best restaurant in Maui coupled with the fact that one of his best bro's told him it's a "must place to go" when in Maui. No picture of food, but I must say that the food was very delish and omg, their lime tart was the best ever I've ever had in my life thus far.

But, for the most part, we just lounged at the pool. I mean, who could resist this view every single day?

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