Monday, August 17, 2009

Muir Beach

I'm still here! Present.

Weekends have been jam packed with family + friend activities, I can't seem to come up for air to breathe. Work is when I come up to breathe and really, who wants to breathe at work? Bleh.

This past weekend, I thought it was time to use one my wedding shower gifts, a lovely brown wickety wick picnic basket and head to the beach along the coast, Muir Beach. Packed the cooper, Maddie, and ofcourse the hubs and headed onto Hwy 1.

We got off to late start which made us run into ridiculous traffic. I started to think for awhile there that we really will not make it to the beach in time. But, we eventually made it there and was able to sit in the sun for a couple of hours and let Maddie play in the ocean for the first time.

As we were walking to the beach, Maddie's tail was clearly waaaay under her body. She was scared. Didn't know what or where we were going. Anything would startle her. But, as soon as she saw the dogs, the people, the beach, up her tail went!

She was running from the waves coming in at first, but she eventually started running into the water and for some odd reason, would try to grab it?

We had to keep her on a leash as she gets way too excited. She runs everywhere which makes us look like a fool as we are doing circles in the sand because she's running in circles.

There were lots of dogs, unleashed and leashed. I envied the owners with dogs that were able to walk on the beach with their dogs unleashed and within voice command. I hope Maddie can be like that someday.

A few dogs that had the same owner came up to say "what's up, hottie," to Maddie. She so badly wanted to run and play with them, but we kept her on a tight leash. Sorry Maddie. I hope you understand why we had to do this. One day, you'll be able to go unleashed. One day....

I'd like to return to Muir Beach again. It's definitely a great beach to bring your dog to. The drive to there is not too shabby either. Actually, it's rather swell. Loved looking and dreaming about the big houses that surround the area. The swirly roads that are surrounded by beautiful nature, and oh, watching the cyclists pedal uphill on the little road that they had to share with us motorists. Hah. That was a site to see!

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