Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Want, I Need Continued.

Before I begin my list of things that I want and need, I want to say, " Go Pacquiao!" It was my first boxing match to ever watch and I must admit that at first, I wasn't too quick to notice what was going on. That guy was too quick!!! Awesome match and I'm so happy that the Filipino's have THE bragging rights. Woohooo!!!

Onto the I Want, I Need list.
I just can't get enough of Pottery Barn's gifts. I think they are all so cute. I've listed many of my favorites.

Catch All. Who doesn't have a little area that we dump some of our stuff onto? Coins? Pens? Marbles? Jacks? I saw these at Pottery Barn and wanted on. Loved the vibrant colors it comes in, too! Oh, and for your man who especially have those designated areas to which they dump all of their pants pockets into, this is the perfect stocking stuffer! $19.00

Luggage Tags. I nearly purchased this for one of my good friends that loves to travel. This is a cute gift for perhaps a couple or a friend that loves to travel or even frequently travels just for business. Plus, it allows them to easily find their bags in that sea of baggages. Right? Only $12.00.

Jewelry Box. I've been drooling over this Andover Jewelry Box for about a couple of years now. My personal favorite: the white colored one. I don't know about you, but my jewelry ranging from cheap {Forever 21} to expensive is all over the place. It sucks and I want some type of organization in this department. You can even get it sketched with your initials! Cute. $89.00

There are many more to come...... to be continued again.

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